Sunday, July 12, 2009

Little Moments

So I feel so far behind on this blog so watch for lots of pictures and post in the next little while. Tonight I just wanted to write down a couple of cute things the girls said and add a picture. Poor Mylee has no bum so we have her in size 2T shorts (with the adjustable waistband) and they still don't stay up. Every where we go she has her little bum hanging out. So my kids keep saying things that crack me up and I want to remember them so badly that I have to write them down. So here come some more: we usually give the girls some kind of treat before bed every night (toast, fruit, and sometimes a special treat). Well Christian had been telling the girls all day that he was going to make them a special treat tonight and they were so excited, but then he had to leave for a meeting. So I made the treat (christian's favorite raspberry oreo shake). They didn't like it by the way and then started getting them ready for bed. Christian got home and we were just tucking them in when he told them he was going to go downstairs Mylee begged him not to go. When we asked her why she replied she has a witch in her eyes. That is her way of telling you she has bad dreams. Well, I have ideas of how to get monsters out of the closet and from under the bed, but how do you get a witch out of their eyes? Any help? So Christian cuddled with her for a few more minutes and then said he wanted to go make his special treat to which Kayla replied: Okay dad go get chubby! Doesn't it kind of make you want to watch what you are eating.


Pace Family said...

I miss you guys like crazy. Someone really needs to come for a visit. K either you come here or we come there I don't care but it needs to happen soon. I havn't even held baby Crue yet. You're killing me people.

Maclaine & Sara said...

I saw your comment on Tyra's blog--PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE call us so we can get together while you are here. I am with Tyra, I need to hold baby Crue. Let us know so we can make plans. :)

Skylar and Lauren said...

Cute little bum-and thanks for postponing the beach trip for me! It was fun! as for the witch eyes...I would try maybe putting a warm/cold washrag on her eyes and say u need to clean them to get the witches out-and/or say a special prayer to have sweet dreams...If it gets to bad u could always have christian give her a blessing! Other than that good luck!

Messimoo said...

Hey Mand! T had horrible nigthmares when he was younger, so we took him to pick out his favorite picture of the Savior and hung it right next to him so he could quickly glance at it when he woke up, and then say a quick prayer. It worked really well for him.

Can't wait to see youguys!

Dallings said...

Very funny! I am going to blame disney for bad dreams! I think I am going to stick to pbs for awhile. Tonight David wasn't home for bedtime and Claire asked if daddy would come and kiss her and Preston said daddy was going to come and kill him. He dosen't meen it, but so sad.