Monday, July 6, 2009

The Big K

So I have been trying to post for a couple of weeks, but I can't get my pictures to download. So here comes a long post with no pics sorry! "The Big K" as Christian calls her is now 6 years old. She is growing up so fast she is so proud to be a big sister. I don't think there is anyone in the world who loves their younger siblings like Kayla. She likes to teach them things, and she would hold Crue constantly. She loves to help and has such a love for life. I am so proud of the person that she is becoming. We have a tradition in our family that on your birthday you get to choose what we eat. Well, my little girl has wonderful but expensive taste and asked for: lobster, crab, fried chicken, and double chocolate cake. We did get her a lobster and they played with it first and then cooked it. She is so crazy and I love it.
So this week we have been so busy. We had Jocelyn and Whitney come out. They are so great with my kids. We were able to go to the beach, shopping, a waterpark, and we went to Yorktown for fireworks on the 4th. During one of our many adventures I was talking to Kayla about the 4th of July and we starting talking about slaves. Innocent little Kayla said, "Mom I am so glad I'm not one of the mean white people 'cause I'm peach". Later that night we were reading scriptures and we were telling the girls the story about Nephi and Laban. I was trying to explain to Mylee what the brass plates were. She looked up at me and asked me if Nephi was going to go back and get the spoon and fork also. Sorry one more cute quote: I was going for a walk with the kids last week and we walked by some ladies talking on the side of the road. The ladies were so sweet and started telling my kids how beautiful and cute they looked. We talked for a few minutes and then started walking again. Mylee looked up at me and said: Mom don't worry I think you are beautiful too. She was so worried because they hadn't said anything to me. I live for these moments with my kids. Thanks Joc and Whit for coming we loved having you.


Pace Family said...

HAPPY REALLY LATE BIRHTDAY KAYLA! We were thinking about you though. So how do you raise an amazing big sister. Dillan would rather play with the dog then the baby. She's getting better with Casyn but still doesn't really care about Kamry. I'm happy to hear you are all well. Can't wait for pictures.

Dan and Sara said...

Happy Birthday Kayla! Mandy, your kids (AND YOU) are so cute! I love the quotes, they just make my day... so keep them coming.

Hope you're doing well :)

Alison said...

Your kids have the cutest little quotes! We love you guys!